Sea Shell

Primeval creative space

The intelligent and very interesting proposal of the beloved Kalogeropoulou sisters to detect the beautiful iron oxides of Serifos through art gave me great joy and motivation to continue my research up to now. That is to say, the investigation of the plasticity of the surfaces of the ceramic work, combined with the charm exerted by the unpredictable behavior -in this case- of the island’s fired earthy colors.

Responding to their invitation, I let myself be inspired by the world of the sea. I wanted to convey something of the attraction I feel for seashells.

“Shell”, female water principle, universal womb, symbol of love. Dwelling, they surround and protect living life.

I chose porcelain. Its fine qualities mimic the texture and colors of shells. The beautiful Serifian iron ores colored the surfaces of the objects with unique grace, from the softest tones to the intense rusty color. I am so excited about the process of using the pigments directly from nature. I would like to experiment more with these wonderful materials in the near future.

I sincerely thank Kalogeropoulou sisters for inviting me to participate in this beautiful exhibition.

Technical description
Angeliki Papadopoulou Greece Portreto 300dpi

Angeliki Papadopoulou