"Boxes of unfulfilled journeys"

Clouds are a constant inspiration in my work. Feeling trapped between the buildings of the city, the clouds offer me a breath of beauty and a break from the stress of everyday life. It’s a dream shot in the pedestrian’s gloom. I always look at them longingly, I think about them a lot, and I am very concerned with conveying the feelings they evoke in me. I try to capture all these qualities of my feelings in clay so that I can recall the same feelings just by looking at the objects and sculptures I create. Serenity, awe, tranquility, clarity, escape, reverie!

The idea of combining the rocks with the clouds was my unfulfilled – for a long time – desire to travel, to visit new places, new “lands”. So I made these “boxes” and put my dreams inside: the rock bubbles, some “notes” about different points of interest, and some larger pieces of rock as a kind of souvenir that I would bring back, literally or metaphorically.

Technical description
Αντιγόνη Πανταζή

Antigoni Pantazi